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What is the worst thing that can happen to a bat while it sleeps? - What is the worst thing that can happen to a bat while it sleeps?Diarrhoea!...Read the whole joke |
1697 |
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Why don't oysters give to charity? - Why don't oysters give to charity?Because they're shellfish....Read the whole joke |
1370 |
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An old lady owned two monkeys... - An old lady owned two monkeys. One day they both died,so she took them to the taxodermist."So you wa...Read the whole joke |
1492 |
4 |
How do you catch an elephant? - How do you catch an elephant?First you dig a big hole, and fill it with wood and ash. Then you take ...Read the whole joke |
1343 |
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What's the biggest drawback in the jungle? - What's the biggest drawback in the jungle?The Elephants foreskin....Read the whole joke |
1445 |
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Why do elephants paint thier testicles red? - A double whammy:Why do elephants paint thier testicles red?So they can hide in cherry trees.What's t...Read the whole joke |
1412 |
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The story with the moral - In the dead of summer a fly was resting on a leaf beside a lake. He was ahot, dry fly who said to no...Read the whole joke |
1735 |
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What's the difference between a duck and a cow? - What's the difference between a duck and a cow? They both swim, except for the cow....Read the whole joke |
2382 |
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The Insensitive Gorilla - A woman and her friend are visiting the zoo. They are standing in frontof the big silver back gorill...Read the whole joke |
1399 |
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This is what should happen to ALL CATS! - This is what should happen to ALL CATS..!HOW TO WASH THE CAT1. Thoroughly clean the toilet.2. Add th...Read the whole joke |
1476 |
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A Second Opinion - A Second OpinionA man runs into the vet's office carrying his dog, screaming forhelp. The vet rushes...Read the whole joke |
1452 |
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Perfect customer - A man wrote a letter to a small hotel in a midwest town he planned to visit on his vacation.He wrote...Read the whole joke |
1466 |
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What do you call a dog with no back legs and balls of steel? - What do you call a dog with no back legs and balls of steel?SparkySent by Shawn...Read the whole joke |
1299 |
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What's the difference between a rotwieler and a poodle? - What's the difference between a rotwieler and a poodle?If a rotwieler starts humping your leg you le...Read the whole joke |
1304 |
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What is the last thing to go through the mind of a mosquito... - What is the last thing to go through the mindof a mosquito when it hits your windscreen?It's ass....Read the whole joke |
1559 |
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Why does an elephant have four feet? - Why does an elephant have four feet?Because it would look silly with six inches....Read the whole joke |
1347 |
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Why'd the monkey fall outta the tree? - Why'd the monkey fall outta the tree? 'cause he was dead...Why'd the other monkey fall outta the tre...Read the whole joke |
1397 |
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Did you hear about the Blind man that went Bunjee jumping? - Did you hear about the Blind man that went Bunjee jumping?Scared the hell out of the dog....Read the whole joke |
1664 |
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There was once an aspiring veterinarian who put himself through... - There was once an aspiring veterinarian who put himself through veterinary school working nights as ...Read the whole joke |
1662 |
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What do you call a dog with two balls and no hind legs? - What do you call a dog with two balls and no hind legs?Sparky...Read the whole joke |
1407 |
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I've never understood why women love cats... - I've never understood why women love cats.Cats are independent, they don't listen,they don't come in...Read the whole joke |
1352 |
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What does an elephant keep up its trunk? - What does an elephant keep up its trunk?A Yard 'n' half o' snot!...Read the whole joke |
1352 |
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What do you get if you sleep under a cow? - What do you get if you sleep under a cow?A PAT on the head.Sent by Jimmy...Read the whole joke |
1350 |
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A little old lady buys a pair of parrots... - A little old lady buys a pair of parrots, but cannot identify their sexes. She calls the shop, and t...Read the whole joke |
1406 |
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What did the dog get when he multiplied 88 x 7? - What did the dog get when he multiplied 88 x 7?The wrong answer....Read the whole joke |
1393 |
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What do you call a sleeping bull? - What do you call a sleeping bull?A bulldozer...Read the whole joke |
1402 |
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Mom and Dad were trying to console Susie... - Mom and Dad were trying to console Susie, whose dog had recently died. "You know, it's not your faul...Read the whole joke |
1659 |