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1 |
The doctor took Bill into the room and said... - The doctor took Bill into the room and said,"Bill, I have some good news and some bad news." Bill sa...Read the whole joke |
678 |
2 |
At a dentist's - Dentist: "Would you help me out? I'd like you togive a few of your loudest screams." Patient: "Why, ...Read the whole joke |
650 |
3 |
A profoundly ugly girl went to the psychiatrist... - A profoundly ugly girl went to the psychiatrist."My life is a mess, doctor," she began, "I am sofuck...Read the whole joke |
770 |
4 |
Perfectly normal - "I'm in love with my horse," the nervous man told his psychiatrist. "Nothing to worry about," the ps...Read the whole joke |
786 |
5 |
After years of psychotherapy... - After years of psychotherapy, John no longer believeshe is a grain of wheat. However, one day he and...Read the whole joke |
715 |
6 |
Most dentists chairs go up and down... - Most dentists chairs go up and down, don't they?The one I was in went back and forwards.I thought, "...Read the whole joke |
762 |
7 |
Don't you just hate it when... - Don't you just hate it when you go to the doctor, and you'resitting on the examination table telling...Read the whole joke |
667 |
8 |
A man went to the doctor for a check up... - A man went to the doctor for a check up. "How do you feel?" asked the doctor. "Fine." he replied. Af...Read the whole joke |
646 |
9 |
A woman had some problems, so she went to her doctor... - A woman had some problems, so she went to her doctor of twenty years.They had the following conversa...Read the whole joke |
718 |
10 |
Why is psychoanalysis quicker for men than for women? - Why is psychoanalysis quicker for men than for women?When it's time to go back to childhood, he's al...Read the whole joke |
714 |
11 |
A woman visits her physician... - A woman visits her physician. After waiting for a while it's finally her turn. She enters the doctor...Read the whole joke |
734 |
12 |
The young lady entered the doctor's office carrying an infant... - The young lady entered the doctor's office carrying an infant. "Doctor," she explained, "the baby se...Read the whole joke |
762 |
13 |
A young lady walks into a doctors office... - A young lady walks into a doctors office. "Doctor I'm suffering from a terrible discharge" The Docto...Read the whole joke |
926 |
14 |
A mute was walking down the street one day... - A mute was walking down the street one day and chanced upon a friend ofhis, also a mute. In sign la...Read the whole joke |
651 |
15 |
A man goes into the doctor's office feeling really bad... - A man goes into the doctor's office feeling really bad. After a thorough examination the doctor call...Read the whole joke |
743 |
16 |
Three nurses all decided to play a joke on the doctor... - Three nurses all decided to play a joke on the doctor they worked for. Later in the day, they all go...Read the whole joke |
705 |
17 |
Did you hear about the nurse who swallowed a razor blade? - Did you hear about the nurse who swallowed a razor blade?She gave herself a tonsillectomy, an append...Read the whole joke |
715 |
18 |
This woman goes into a dentist's office... - This woman goes into a dentist's office, after he is through examining her he says: "I am sorry to t...Read the whole joke |
700 |
19 |
A woman is laying on a gurney out in the hall... - A woman is laying on a gurney out in the hall prior to going to surgery. As she lays there, a man in...Read the whole joke |
650 |
20 |
A woman goes to her doctor who verifies that she is pregnant... - A woman goes to her doctor who verifies that she is pregnant. This is her first pregnancy. The docto...Read the whole joke |
737 |
21 |
Aunt Dora went to her doctor to see what could be done... - Aunt Dora went to her doctor to see what could be done about her constipation. "It's terrible," she ...Read the whole joke |
652 |
22 |
One doc operated on a person for a hernia... - One doc operated on a person for a hernia. He opened his testis and took the balls out and kept it o...Read the whole joke |
847 |
23 |
A famous surgeon went on a safari in Africa... - A famous surgeon went on a safari in Africa. When he came back, his colleagues asked him how it had...Read the whole joke |
768 |
24 |
Five penises - A man goes into a doctor's office and says "Doctor! Doctor! I have fivepenises!"The doctor says,"Goo...Read the whole joke |
671 |
25 |
Two very successful psychoanalysts occupied offices... - Two very successful psychoanalysts occupied offices in the same building. One was 40 years old, the ...Read the whole joke |
732 |
26 |
A memory problem - Patient: Doctor, I have a serious memory problem. I can't remember anything!Doctor: So, since when d...Read the whole joke |
794 |
27 |
Psychiatrist: What is wrong with your brother? - Psychiatrist: What is wrong with your brother?Sister: He thinks he's a chicken.Psychiatrist: How lon...Read the whole joke |
702 |